

System New Page Released - Return Delivery & Clearance Item Management 2024-02-16

Dear Valued Client, 


We would like to inform you that there will be another system update as effective of 21 FEB (WED).


1. Return Delivery Request is available. 

- Currently, return delivery only for Korea & India Domestic order is available, but soon Japan/Singapore return delivery will be opened. 

- For Korea, CJ Korea Express or Delibox is the desginated courier for Return Delivery. 

- Here are the details: Instruction


2. Clearance Item Management 

- For the items on international delivery, you will be requested to submit the basic information of the product.

- The new Clearance Item Management menu will replace existing Item Management moving forward.

- Here are the details : Instruction


Should you feel free to contact to Qxpress at anytime, for suggestions/inquires. 




Notice of Service Domain Change

Hello. Thank you for using SmartShip service.

To provide better service, SmartShip's domain address has been changed as shown below.
Click [Move to New Address] below to access the new address.
New SmartShip URL